MRI Results are in

So my Dr called me at 8pm tonight To tell me that I have severe stenosis narrowing with arthritis. He is going to put a priority notice in to a back surgeon  for a cortizone shot asap to calm down the pain. I will also begin Gabapentin to help calm down the nerves ony left side. From there we will see what the surgeon suggests for the future. I am not a good candidate for surgury. I want to look in some natural directions if Oncologist called for me to schedule a PET scan to look at the growing lymph node under my left arm and set up for Radiation to hopefully get rid of that cancer. I need to focus on my back first and then I will take care of the node. Finally an answer for the excruciating pain I have been suffering for the last two months and an avenue to take for some relief. For this I am thankful.

10 thoughts on “MRI Results are in”

  1. Laurie, read up on magnetic therapy. You take a magnet, say from your refrigerator. Place it over the area of your pain. Using a piece of the tan tape that won’t pull off your hair on the skin. Keep it there for about 25 minutes. Then take it off. Repeat. It may help with the pain. I used it years ago on my sciatica. It did help. I am keeping you in my prayers! Love you! Lylean

  2. Oh Laurie I hope you finally get some relief from the pain not fun living in pain the capapentin will do that just be careful with the dosage it will mess with your head my husband was on it and he through it out I hope the pain goes away guickly keeping you in my thoughts and prayers best of luck one day at a time sending healing hugs to you my friend

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